♥Hello loves!!!

Welcome back to my little corner again 😍  …

Today is the last day of January, it‘s time to say goodbye to 31 pages of this entire year, I really hope that you keep going forward your Goals and most important that you had an amazing month so far💗..

So as planned, here I’m  with my plan with me series, since you all know I’m into bullet journal system  , to be honest , I don’t know how my life could be with my little bujo XD …if  you are looking for organizations ‘systems I really recommend it for  you , you will never regret it😉 …

So without further ado, let’s begin, here my bullet journal spread of this month😎 …


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better sleep

My theme for February is a little bit random I got much of  the inspiration from pinterest, and then I tried to make my own spread « trying to be  original XD », it’s been such a fun moments to creating my spreads of this month, honestly I am  in love with the final result and how it turned out, I really hope you will like it too guys..

As you all know February it’s all about LOVE , Of course Valentine’s Day is in February, even though  I’m not into it at all , I just loved using  love doodle theme for this entire month since I’m into self-love and self-care stuff, I thought it would be a good theme to incorporate this month, with  those red and pink colors  I just want to keep it simple  and inspiring  that’s  most important for me , in that way every corner of it make me motivated and boost me to achieve more  ..

SO here my process:

The first page: highlight of January

For me it’s really important to start your month with such a great mood… so I  loved letting an extra page to do a brain dump where I could doodle things in that page where I  wrote  the things that’ I’m grateful for , to say “hamdu ‘ li Allah” for everything because we all used to take things as granted  …

in fact that’s small step helped me a lot to  be more tolerant against the outcome in my life ..

 HELLO February:

Of Corse you need to do a calendar of the entire month to keep you on track I loved the way it turned out, I just left some space in every day in order to write some events and important things to me …

the footer of the page I left it for my GOALS to this month, the personal and my blog ones… in the other pages , I created an art journal page  to doodle my ideas of this entire month it’s such kind of motivational one XD #auto motivation hahahaha …

you should start doing that too XD !!!

HABITS TRACKER:Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Habits tracker it’s a schedule where you wrote your daily habits especially the ones you want you introduce to your lifestyle it’s such a challenging exercise, in each day   you need to fill all of that boxes, it’s really helps to keep you on track to know what’s works and what’s didn’t in that way you take a clear vision about the habits you need to work more in.. For me this month:

Prayers on time of Corse especially “fadjr”; that lead me to MY miracle morning, I really want to come back to my old routine… that’s my ONE THING GOAL  for this month ..

I’m sure if I could stick to that a lot of others habits will take place in my lifestyle too

GRATITUDE LOG:Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

Because the blessing of GOD is uncountable ,it’s important to make yourself remember that daily  …

So Last month I started the gratitude log. It’s a page where daily you need to stay and write just 3 words that’ you are grateful for in that day, if you found more that better …


Since it the month of love, I couldn’t find someone better to be loved  then myself LOOL XD PS: no matter how  your status is , in couple or single I really believe that everything begin from you, so make sure to love yourself first, so for this month I did a challenge to write daily things I admire about myself XD … it would be fun for me.. I’m sure you will find lot of amazing facts about yourself you going to end this entire month with 28 amazing blessing facts about you …


Honestly when I started this blog I thought that’ I would be the only one who read   that  maybe my sister and my bestie too  , but I’m shocked to see my statistics  even thaw  it was not the best but it matter for me all over 2k view this month with almost 3 post  it’s such a deal for me , I ‘m s happy to seeing my word press community grow and I’m so happy for your likes and your daily views from so many countries , I really appreciate it  in order to  make it better  I for this  month I will  start using a schedule for my blog  I’m sure it will honestly help me a lot .


Honestly guys , I’m still working for having the best weekly and daily plan system for me , till now I love started my weekly plans with big to do list where I wrote all the tasks I need to accomplish in the whole month then after that , I put every task in their appropriate week

WEEKLY PLAN:Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

I just keep it simple because the simple one works great for me😍…


SO that’s it, I’m so excited for using all these amazing pages this month …

I really hope you enjoy reading and seeing my spreads, the same way I enjoy creating them all…

Comment down if you have any suggestions for my next week’s or next month’s spreads. And look forward to my February blog series.

stay happy! Love you  💐…..

Sans titre-2

17 thoughts on “PLAN WITH ME :FEBRUARY

  1. Wow, look at you go!! This looks epic!!
    Question!! When do you do most of the doodles and designs, like the first day of the month as you go? I always seem to forget about it and just say sod it… Tips on timings and planning would be amazing xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG !! i’m really glad that you like it 😍, yess i used to did my most of the doodles one in the first day of the month and the other a highlight about the whole month at the end , i will difinetly do that for you thanks a lot my dear ❤❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙂
        Looking forward to it! Carving out the time seems to be my hardest hurdle, then when I do I end up there staring at the pages with no clue where to start 🙂 Any tips would be fab!! xx


  2. Hey there ☺️ Here i am checking your blog a little bit, i see you have some really interesting stuff, i don’t have enough time to check them all now but i promise i’ll regularly com to see what’s new! Anyways about your bujo, your february spread is waaaay prettier than mine 😭 mine looks like trash, a real mess in front of all those beautiful colors and flowers, romantic vibes ♥️😉 i love your doodles and your page ideas, my favorite is the gratitude log but still, the pages all together turned 🔥 not messy at all 😍 i love it i’m gonna steel some ideas from you for sure haha anyways, you’re doing a great job, keep writing and keep sharing 💛😊

    Liked by 1 person

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